From Ashes to Growth: How Engaging Content Changes Everything

From Ashes to Growth: How Engaging Content Changes Everything

The reduction of the little NSW town of Cobargo to ashes was one of many tragic flashpoints for Australians during the recent Black Summer. What many didn’t know at the time though, was that this same fire had also decimated Cobargo Wildlife Sanctuary - one of the very last wildlife refuges in the region.

As the Grant’d team watched on in horror from their homes in Sydney and Adelaide as the fires tore through Cobargo and beyond, we were yearning to do so much more than just donate to bushfire appeals – but how was the question burning in our minds.

The Six Sinful Assumptions About Grants

The Six Sinful Assumptions About Grants

With over 3,000 funding programs making grants a multi-billion dollar industry in Australia, you’ve probably already arrived at the conclusion that it’s a great idea to implement a grants’ strategy into your organisation. Read on to find out the 6 sinful assumptions that are often made about grants, how they match up with reality, and what you can do to improve your chances of success.